Sunday, January 15, 2012

Popularity rate of IOS 4 user is as high as 90% Android 2.3 only 0.4%

Beijing time is early on January 19 a message, the report of Bump of business of American mobile application development shows, the biggest distinction between Android and IOS depends on, IOS user upgrades when updating, the IOS user of near 90% uses IOS 4 or the operating system that replace edition.

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More interesting i the best selling usb harddrive enclosure s, the popularity rate of latest edition IOS 4.2.1 also is as high as 53% , that is to say, have exceeded user of IOS of half motogp xbox 2013 the number to use latest edition system. And the popularity usb harddrive enclosure best buy rate in all Android user is operating system of latest edition Android 2.3 only 0.4% .

But also the personage inside course of study thinks, IOS 4 should be more as fair as Android 2.2 contrast, be installed only at present because of Android 2.3 in Nexus S mobile phone, although of And ata pci card roid 2.2 roll out time far long at IOS 4. Although will look with the data of 2.2 version, the expression of Android still Yuan Xun at IOS 4, popularity rate is only 52% .

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Will look from this kind of meaning, this kind of contrast is inequitable to Gu Ge. But the personage inside course of study thinks: If your competitor has a half to had used latest edition operating system, and yourself's user is not worth 1% implementation only this, you can encounter a trouble for certain.

For example, gu Ge can undertake to the operating system normally relatively substantially alter, and of Honeycomb(Android 3.0) alter still meet bigger, but if the user cannot be used, what use to have again in the light of the function that development platform provides so?

The personage inside course of study thinks, gu Ge is necessary to ponder over strategy of mobile phone operating system afresh. If hope developer the most popular usb harddrive enclosure can be created on Android platform really, moto gp xbox best buy issue revolutionary killer class applies, must want to support platform working control to accuse to be in him hand.

Look now, to the target right transfer to work at the grass-roots level or to do manual labor in the countryside o the best selling ata pci r in a factory business of each not identical operation and hand mechanism build business hand in, (Book Yu)

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